Over the past few years, I have grown my business and scaled what I do so that I could develop a team, and there are now six of us helping people across the South of England with all manner of ceremonies.


jenny knight celebrant


I am often asked to assist with reactions and thoughts on current wedding industry news and events, I have written articles for magazines and been a part of a training team for top-level wedding industry influencers and planners


industry expert jenny knight


As a proactive and innovative celebrant, I enjoy helping to shape the landscape of the wedding business so that it reflects couples today and their lifestyle choices.


  • I was one of the very first celebrants to be recognised at the TWIA awards before a dedicated category was put in place
  • Since 2014 I've built one of the first (and biggest) celebrant teams in the UK
  • During the pandemic I created an inspirational series of interviews with celebrities about their weddings 
  • We are successfully developing rising talent through our celebrant mentoring services
  • I created and led the campaign #dontforgetaboutcelebrants to help showcase what we do to venues and fellow vendors
  • We are working with a local senior school to mentor students to help with career inspiration and direction in the wedding industry

wedding expert jenny knight


You can book me:

  • to speak at your wedding industry event
  • to write an article or column for your magazine
  • to join you on a podcast or live interview
  • to help with training and sharing knowledge about the celebrant role