It is in my DNA, my outlook and my way of doing things, to create community, to identify opportunities and to ‘fix things’ by finding a better route forward. I just love to help people and sometimes you just need someone that isn’t living the situation to shed some much-needed light and focus on things.

I am enjoying a wonderful and diverse career, and as a successful wedding industry mentor, I help professionals that are either new or just launching a business, experienced industry experts looking to specialise or change direction, and indeed those looking at their exit strategies from a current sector.  

I have worked for large corporations, small start-ups, mid-sized businesses, B2B and B2C, consultancies and now as a self-employed entrepreneur I have hands-on knowledge of growing and scaling a business.  

Amongst many other roles, I’ve worked in marketing and launched cars for a high-end marque, I have been a part of marketing and events teams within the football industry, have a huge amount of experience within hotels and venues, and I love to connect people and businesses that could lead to new opportunities.

I focus on assisting:

  • solopreneurs
  • small businesses 
  • those looking for a change of career
  • Branding and identity assessments


"Jenny Knight is a wonderfully knowledgeable & friendly lady. She has assisted me with advice, support & a continual line of contact whenever I have needed to ask questions about my business. Jenny is approachable, kind & experienced, I would recommend her to anyone starting out looking for sound advice & support.”"
"Jenny is full of ideas and is always brimming with confidence and enthusiasm about my business.  She is such a great role model as she runs her own businesses so successfully and she is so charismatic and friendly.  I always feel so uplifted after our chats!”"